Dr. Braden Criswell

Dr. Braden Criswell


Dr. Criswell specializes in treating foot and ankle injuries as well as offering general orthopedic care. Before joining the medical team at Risser he was the Clinical Instructor in Foot and Ankle Surgery at Stanford University Medical Center. Dr. Criswell graduated from UCLA before attending the USC Keck School of Medicine and completed his residency at Vanderbilt University and his fellowship and clinical instructorship at Stanford.

At Risser, Dr. Criswell will use his expertise to treat a range of foot and ankle injuries, specializing in patients with sports injuries. He will also work with primary care providers, rheumatologists, pain specialists neurologists, physical and occupational therapists as well as surgeons and other specialists to optimize patient care before and after foot surgeries. He loves spending time with his growing family where they now live in Pasadena.